Well, the best salsa may not come from New York but one of the best groups this year did! Tony Sidor and his wife, Kathy, brought a great group from New York. This group consisted of Mike, Lora, Andrea, Jim, Lisa, Hysha, Hallie, Mark, Kelly and Kathryn. They worked on the landscape out front and did a great job of getting the property to look like it did before the hurricanes last year. They installed cabinets (built by the Washington group) for the little houses. They built and installed shelves. They were busy every single day. They had a great time of working with the kids for another VBS (which they loved dearly). They were a great group that can certainly come back anytime! Thanks, guys, for a great week of work and a loving spirit that will be remembered for a long time to come!
Larry, Michell, Jo and Drex