Saturday, April 29, 2006

Day Two, My First Full Day

Well, I am ending my first full day here in Haiti and getting ready for my first night alone. I have to go around and make sure the outside gate is locked and also make sure that all the doors and windows are locked here in the building. I also have to let the dog out of its pen so it can roam around the compound at night. The dog doesn’t seem like much of a watch dog. He likes to jump all over you and lick you. I would feel a little better about something that was a little meaner. But, whatever. I played with the kids today and that was good that they got use to me because I have to watch them by myself tomorrow. It should be no problem. That is about the only thing I feel confident about. I have five kids at home so two are going to be a piece of cake. Although, I don’t think I am going to go to church tomorrow. I checked in and they don’t seem to have child care. J I am sure by next Sunday I will have no problem going to church with them but I think I will make sure things go well first before I head out into public with them alone.

I met several guys from WYAM today, Larry and Patrick.. They came by and hung out for awhile and then we went for a ride to see some property where another orphanage is going in soon. It was nice to get out and talk to someone without using hand motions.

I have been working on the computers trying to get my live webcams up and running but I have to much socializing going on. After dinner another missionary named Teresa who is a P.A. and runs a clinic a couple of hours away came by to stay the night because they couldn’t make up the mountain before it got dark. She had a couple other people with her also. Once she got here people came to our gate looking for her because someone had a really high fever and needed a doctor. I went with them to someone’s house and the teenage boy had malaria. She came back and got some meds out of her truck and sent it back to him to take..

It was a very interesting day and I met lots of interesting people but I didn’t get much stuff done on the internet like I wanted to. So I will try to upload some pics tonight if I can but I may have to wait until tomorrow.

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