Day 1 Friday, January 19th
It’s so great to be heading back to the Hands and Feet Project. This time we have two returning veterans - Ken and Lynley and 8 H and F rookies - Bre, Jerry, Bob, Steven, Carrie, Ron, John and Bill. Our first day went very smoothly. All the flight connections were made and Drex was there to meet us at Port au Prince. We made it through customs quickly and were off to the small airport for our flight to Jacmel. We actually got to Cyvadier ahead of schedule in time for lunch and a chance to see Jo and our friends - Carlos, Otis, Anderson and Dee Dee. Plus we got to meet the newest addition to the project, Michelle. It was so amazing for us to see the work that has been done since last August. The two houses we worked on have the first stories completed and the septic tank hole is now about 10 ft. deep! After lunch we got to see the kids - several new ones since last August. Then we got to work moving cement blocks onto the roof of the 1st new house, hanging a newshelf and mounting light fixtures. Lynley, Bre and Bob had a chance to play with the neighbor kids including the famous Jonesy!
Day 2 Saturday, January 20th
We got up around 6:30 (Ron was up at 5) and had a great breakfast and headed out to work. Bre, Bill and John and Carrie went into Jacmel with Drex to get supplies while the rest of us moved more blocks and sand onto the roof of house #1. We couldn’t start laying block as Otis was home sick today. After we had everything moved we split up and mounted light fixtures, cut screen frames and sanded chairs. We were treated with an amazing Haitian lunch of goat, rice and beans, sweet potatoes and pikles. After lunch we headed to the beach for some time in the ocean! When we got back we worked on the chairs, painting and digging in a sewer line until it got dark. After supper, Drex taught some of us how to play Farkel - and we are addicted. He promised we will have a tournament before we leave.
Day 3 Sunday, January 21st
We slept in this morning and went to church with all the kids. It was a great experience to hear some familiar songs sung in Creole and see people worshiping Jesus in a different land. After church we had lunch and then went for a drive to the top of the mountain on the road to Port au Prince. It was a beautiful ride and we got to see a lot of interesting things - including a man in a shirt and tie leading a cow down the road. When we got back we went to eat at a local hotel and had a chance to see part of the Colts - Patriots game on satellite!
Day 4 Monday, January 22nd
Back to work today. Up early at 6:15 am. We had breakfast and headed outside. A few of us went up on the roof of house #1 and started laying block for the second story. Another crew worked on new tables and benches and yet another pair worked on screens for the houses. After lunch we continued with our tasks while Drex took Jerry and Bob to Jacmel for supplies. It was a very productive day as we were able to make and paint 3 tables and benches, 6 screens and laid 450 block. The walls are going up quickly! We even had a chance to kick the soccer ball around with Carlos and a big group of neighbors before supper. We had a guest over - a UN officer that is here from Jacksonville, FL. After supper we of course played Farkel.
Day 5 Tuesday, January 23rd
Up early again today to get to work before the sun starts to heat things up. We were treated with pancakes and bacon this morning. Of course it was Iowa bacon that we brought with us! To start the day off right we hauled 50 gallon of water up to the roof of house #1 with pails along with 300 cement blocks. We then split up and worked on more screens and also made a crib for a new baby that may be coming this week. We also worked on getting the rest of the sewer pipes laid to the infamous septic tank from the 2 houses. After lunch we helped lay some more block, painted and finished the crib. Bre got her hair braided by one of the nannies - what a slacker! After Anderson and Dee Dee left for school (they go to high school in the afternoon), we moved a bunch of sand to the roof to make mortar for the blocks. We also refilled the water barrels. Drex, Jo and Michelle also left to go into town on some business so we walked to the cove to swim and cool off. After supper we played games, read and had a chance to do some Bible study and talk about the week so far.
Day 6 Wednesday, January 24th
We had some great French toast this morning courtesy of Michelle and then headed to work. We started by moving another load of blocks to the roof and then went to continue our various tasks. More benches and tables were made and painted plus the new baby crib was finished including a new paint job by Steven and Bob. Ken and Drex spent some time working on the computer in the upstairs apartment and then went into town to drop some papers at the lawyers, buy some foam for a mattress for the crib and get ice. Then a group went to pick up a bunch of new handmade chairs for the kids which were brought back and sanded and painted. We were also treated to a great Haitian lunch including creole spam! You should try it - it is the new taste sensation that is sweeping the country. We also have house #1 ready to pour the support posts in the walls and the tops of the windows. We were thrilled to be able to welcome the newest addition to the Hands and Feet family when little Jean Jean arrived. He is a cute little 20 day old baby. You probably have already seen his picture on the home page. Tomorrow is our last day of work here for this week - it has flown by too quickly.
Day 7 Thursday, January 25th
Wow - the end of our time here is coming to an end. It seems like we were just heading to the airport to fly here and now we are preparing to leave. Our last day was spent finishing up projects we had been working on throughout the week. A little more painting and building and moving sand and water. Jerry got to help pour one of the support posts for the house walls and we moved about 50 wheelbarrow loads of dirt and rock. After lunch we went into Jacmel to take in the daily market. It is always quite the experience - especially for first timers. When we got back we started packing. Carrie and Steve walked to the beach and Lynley, Ken, Bre, Jerry and Michelle walked to the mountain. We decided to try and climb it and made it about two thirds of the way up. Jerry and Lynley made it the furthest. Next time we are going to the top! Tomorrow morning we leave at 6:15 for the airport. Thanks to everyone back home for your prayers and support. Thanks to Drex, Jo and Michelle for making us a part of the family for the week. Hands and Feet and Haiti are amazing. What we see and experience here will never leave our hearts and minds. Until we return our prayers will be with these kids, the kids soon to come and the people of Haiti. We’ll be back!
The Iowa Team